Monthly Archives: November 2013

How to measure your weight loss success

Guess what?


I love this blog!! There are so many of you watching what I’m doing.  Which is kind of like a comfort blanket.  Let’s face it,  nobody wants to sit writing blog after blog and making Vlog after Vlog to fall on deaf ears.  It’s nice to know it’s helping someone.


Well,  over on my other, new blog,  it’s a lonely place! It’s taken off much better than i thought but I’d love to still share here with you guys if that’s ok.  Course it’s all ok,  you’re a friendly bunch.  Well,  if you want to come on over and share with me over there you will find loads of tips that you will love regarding health and weight loss.

My other blog can be found by clicking here

So please come and have a look. Feel free to share with your friends and please let me have some feedback from you.


In case you are interested in my crazy life that’s still Law of attraction based but not all so,  find my personal blog here –  the stats on this one are through the roof so there must be something you love over there too.  I’d love to find out what you like to read from me.  The way I see it,  weight loss is all a big part of the Law of Attraction.  It’s about life in general isn’t it.  Living life on purpose.


Love you’s 



My digestive health issues

My digestive health issues


Something I haven’t shared on this blog much before is the journey I have had into digestive health.  More and more and more people are asking me, “How did you get well?”


They want to know because their doctors are giving them prescription lists as long as their arms,  offering stoma bags and surgery or generally asking them to accept a less than normal life.


Do you suffer with any of these things?







There is a long, long list but these are just a few.  If you do,  or know someone who does,  read on.


My personal story starts years ago and is long enough to write in a book but I will give you the shortened version.  It may make your tummy flip.  


After a long spell of struggling with my weight (despite following many diets to the letter) I began to get very poorly.  To the point of being admitted to hospital for many tests.  

Drinking this fluid to empty out my entire digestive system was more than unpleasant to say the least.  Have you ever had that done?  Sit on the loo for about 5 hours.  Not nice. 


Well I was loosing blood constantly like a slow dripping tap and also (though I didn’t realise what it was) my intenstinal wall was coming away and passing out through my body.  That actually looked kind of like chicken fat.  So things were looking bleak.


After photos were taken of the intestines from an inside camera called a Colonoscopy (plus biopsies to check for any malignant cancer cells – scary) there was a diagnosis.

I had Ulcerative Colitis.  My colon was covered in Ulcers.  The photos were not pretty.


In a crazy way,  I was pleased to have a diagnosis.  You know when something really bugs you and you think, “I know something isn’t right with me.” Even though nothing is found.  When something is found it’s a huge sigh of relief.

Getting onto the medication the Dr gave me was scary.  I would be on these for life I had been told.  


When the test results from the biopsies came back I felt so nervous as who knows what they could be telling me.  As it turns out, there were no nasty cells in there which was  good news.  I think they would have taken part of the intestine away if there was.  That would have left me with a bag on my tummy and no more bikinis for me.

So,  I made a decision to say “sod it!” to my stretch marks that my pregnancy proudly gave me and start wearing bikinis again in the hope that I could show off my intact stomach.  Stretch marks and all.  

The biopsies also showed that it wasn’t Colitis but in fact Crohn’s disease instead.  The treatment was similar but it did mean I needed another camera down my throat.  Crohns isn’t always limited to affecting the intestines,  it can be anywhere from the mouth downwards.


That camera showed I had flattened villi.  These are the little finger type ‘bits’ that help absorb nutrients from the food.  As mine were damaged and broken off this meant that although I was overweight,  I was also under nourished. I couldn’t break down the food in the normal way either  so the undigested food would sit in the gut area and basically just feed the bad bacteria (including Candida but that’s for another post) and eventually these bacteria would turn into pathogens.  Which could lead to nasty cells. 


Onto the internet I went.   Reading and studying.  Reading and studying.


Reading and studying.  


One of my best friends had done the same unbeknown to me and despite her being one of the strongest women I know,  she broke down in tears and hugged me tightly when she saw me.


“What’s wrong?” I asked,  really concerned.

“It’s just all so so horrible.” She answered. 


By educating herself she had learned that this was a disease which could take over your life and it’s important to give it the respect it deserves.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


My research took me to a place of hope.


I had always believed that I was a person who couldn’t eat the same as everybody else.  I remember at work one day I was watching the manageress lady eat one thing after the other all day long.  She was stick thin,  she had a lovely figure.

“I couldn’t eat all that food I’d be like an elephant.” I said with envy.

“If you ate the right foods you could.”  She replied ignorantly.  What she had actually said was right.  But she hadn’t known that.


My research showed me that in fact you could massively control your health with the right diet.  I get right on my soap box here.


WHY?  Why doesn’t everyone know this?


Everyone should know this,  hence my new website has been born to pass on the messages.


I have been on a big journey the past 6 years and my knowledge has grown massively.  When I now see somebody suffering like I did I have the links to send them to.  The books to suggest they read,  the DIETS I suggest they adapt to.


Yes,  that’s right,  you want to know how I got well and also lost 3 stone in weight?  It was all through correcting my health through diet.  I really want to help others by passing this information on,  in one place without having to search the internet as much as I did.


I also believe that if you are struggling with extra weight it will have a negative impact on your health regardless.  However,  it’s not always so straight forward to shift it.  Different things work for different people. 


Different things work for different people.


My website will encourage whatever diet works for you.  If you want to lose weight or if you want to get well again.  

I’m here to assure you this is definitely possible and honestly,  it’s the best thing I have ever done in my life.


My lovely Doctor and me used to argue.  To the point of tears.  He said,  “This illness needs medication,  you can’t change it by what you eat.”

“But it’s a digestive issue,  surely it will be affected by food.”

“No,  i’ve never seen that.”  He protested. 


After I used my new knowledge,  I followed everything to the letter and dropped 3 stone in weight in 4 months and also my health went through the roof.  I stopped bleeding within 3 DAYS.  I couldn’t believe my energy levels after just a few short weeks.  I had never realised that people were supposed to feel like this.  I had been born again in my 30s.  


Just a year later,  my doctor respectfully shook my hand and said

“I’ve never seen anyone turn this disease around to this level without using drugs or surgery.”


That speaks volumes.  


Help me on my quest to help others and please pass this on.  Follow my blogs and websites and facebook page.  I will share exactly how I have done it and point you to small investment books so you can save your own life too.Imagecrohns, colitis 

Crazy Meditation

So,  now I’ve been meditating for quite some time.  Have you ever tried it?  I’d be  really interested to find out what has worked for you and how it’s worked.  What images do you see when you meditate?


Are you a person who simply says: “I can’t meditate.”


Well,  I do believe that meditation can kind of be whatever you feel it will be.  For example,  I rooted out an amazing set of headphones (still aiming for new Bose ones though!) which are cordless.  I plugged in Hue and Cry and danced around the kitchen with the headphones on while cooking a chicken stir fry (with coconut oil and honey – yum!) and in a way,  this was a little like meditation.  Reason being,  I was totally in the moment. Living in the NOW is a great tool to stop looking back over past bad experiences and worrying about them and also stop worrying about the future and causing yourself unnecessary anxiety.  So,  with Hue and Cry I was definitely in the now.


However,  I still love to try a traditional mediation.  I’ve discovered my friends at Mindvalley sent me an awesome free trial meditation called Omharmonics.  It took me to a new place.  I’ll include a link for you so you can get one too!

A little tip from me, if you feel you are starting to get ‘mind chatter’ as they call it (that voice in your head that says,  ‘do we have enough chicken for the packed lunches tomorrow/ I must remember to put the rubbish out tomorrow/ don’t forget to order that bunch of flowers for Auntie June’) I can use the Omharmonics and focus on one instrument within the music and listen closer to the beat. 


As I was doing this I noticed that my picture in my closed eyes started to reveal a line of chalet type houses.  I was knocking on the doors of these houses and taking children from behind the doors.  They were poor children from under privileged families.  I’m not sure where I was taking them to but it was a happy place.  I think it was a playground.  As we got there,  the founder of Omharmonics was there for me with a bunch of cash and a piano.  He gave me the cash and I feel it was for the children.  As I arose from my meditation I felt this was so strong a feeling and very surreal.  I had been talking to a lady earlier this week about doing some work with the save the children charity.  It’s something very close to my heart and I feel I would love to help donate to some of the families who need a little more. 

Perhaps with the meditation it will help me get to the place within my business where I can do more and more which is a real dream come true.


What about you?  What would you like to achieve through meditation?     


Please leave me your comments :O) It makes me happy











Does food really affect your health?

Does Food really affect your health?


Who out there is getting confused?

Are you always tired?


Tummy rumbling?

Upset stomach?



We hear about so many different types of diet for weight loss that it almost drives you to lose weight in itself with the brain power you use trying to figure out what is the best thing to do.


So,  how on earth are we supposed to figure out in amongst all this if a said ‘diet’ is actually going to benefit our health too?

Worry not,  you are not alone.  There are many folks asking exactly the same question.  So weight loss aside (along with its confusion) let’s talk about health and nutrition.


My story is quite a miracle.  It’s for another blog which I very much expect has a high chance of being published really soon.  However,  I do speak from experience when I tell you that

·      without Question

·      With total conviction

·      With passion

Food affects our health.


Food AFFECTS our health.


Why is this such a mystery to our doctors?  I do get a little on my soap box even though I have total respect for our doctors and I know we need them.  Without them we sure would be in big trouble.  However, I have been avidly researching food and nutrition and its effects on our health for the past 7 years.  Actually,  it was my biggest scoring exam I left school with.  Shall I tell you a brief story?


During my school years,  I was so confused about which options to take.  My lovely Aunt told me gently,

“You really need to do a job you will enjoy and also be good at.”

Enjoy?  I thought?  Enjoy work?


Now at this age enjoying work was a new concept to me as I had watched my hard working factory parents have a terrible time at work.


Hmm, enjoy work.  Well,  I went on to take Biology and also Food and Nutrition with the hope of going on to become a Nutritionist.  However,  school advised me I would never get a job like that as there are only 4000 opportunities within the country.  So instead I went on to cook for a living and progressed to management.  All the time keeping my interest in Nutrition.


More recently,  7 years ago in fact I was diagnosed with a big issue to do with my digestion.  I will tell that story in another blog.


Having a big problem with my health at the time,  I got very sick.  It was a worrying time for me and my family and I decided to get back onto the research wagon again.


Fighting with my Dr who wanted to either perform surgery or put me onto steroids with blood infusions,  I was determined there was another way.


I’m so happy that I found a diet which was something I certainly needed to focus hard on.  This diet I will detail further another time but my point is that just 2 short years later my lovely Dr who we now carry a mutual respect,  sat in his office and said,

“I have to be honest,  I never saw someone make such a huge recovery without drugs or surgery.”


How did I do it?  Eating the right foods.  Now I see a list as long as your arm of different diets out there for all types of ailments.


We have:


Adrenal Fatigue




Crohns disease

Ulcerative Colitis




and the list goes on…


So think if IBS for example.  That’s not actually a diagnosis.  It’s a symptom.  It’s like the Dr saying “You have a headache” when you need the reason for the headache.


I know so many dozens and dozens of people who personally changed diet to realize  they could relieve symptoms.

We all seem to feel tired or lethargic at times.  We often get stomach gurgles or wind….this can all be changed with a change in diet.  Did you already know that?


However,  let’s dig deeper into the minefield of what/where/how in this blog…

More Halloween Photos on the net! But these are great!

I know, I know, I know we have seen so many halloween photos posted around the net just lately and I am so lucky with my Lusher Life to have been invited to this lovely house party!

These guys sure know how to throw a party!
Share your photos here too?
Spot the witch?!
The drain cover was removed as they made this body part picture of hell!


My old mum n dad – plus some other old thing!









Me and my folks!




Brilliant fancy dress
The garden was transformed to a graveyard!


Shaving services now being undertaken!


The hostess looking great!

Free Law of Attraction book for you from me!

Free Law of Attraction book for you from me!


Hey folks

Want to change your life then?? Huh?  Ok, come over…….sit down and read….

After promising this to you,  here it is – a Free edition of my ebook!

This can be bought on Amazon in print too or kindle edition right away by clicking here and following the link.  However,  I wouldlove to give you a copy for free!

I’m so proud of my little book.  Learning all about the Law of Attraction has changed my life.  Thing is,  it can be complicated to understand sometimes so here is the beginners version!

To get your free copy I’d love you to follow me on all my platforms if you would be so kind.  
Find out all of them click here 

But to get to the nitty gritty, you need to be on my email list for me to be able to send you the book directly to your email inbox.  Sign up by clicking here and once everyone is onboard I’ll be sending out the book for you! It’s a little mini read that is so powerful it will have you slapping your forehead in disbelief that you didn’t know this stuff before!

Already want more? Find out about working with me by clicking here
