Category Archives: the secret

Look what the flip I did!

Look how brave I am!!!!


I don’t mean just the snake in the video… (video is at the bottom of this blog)

Now yes, the snake thing was pretty scary and totally took me out of my comfort zone!


Yet while I was in this place I have previously called paradise… (you’ve heard that one before) I also fell head over heels in LOVE




Funny thing that,  love.  Now I’ve sat quietly on this for some time because…… well,   because I’m a professional person who takes her career seriously.


While my work has a few different slants,  Primarily I help salon businesses with the marketing and management of their salons.  This is no secret.

I also still do styling for  several A-listers!

Folks have been asking me for ages to teach my “secret” on how I managed to turn my life around from a gloomy place to the paradise it now is.

I was running some workshops..

Spreading the word of the Law of Attraction.  People wanted more and more of this from me.

Cut to today,  I’m still the same business woman but now I’ve opened up my life to show more and more of the personal side of me.  I’ve popped a video on Youtube which is the start of documenting how I found my ideal partner.  He and I have quite a story to share with you and we are going to be adding more and more to this channel so please go have a look, feel free to share and you must subscribe to make sure you don’t miss any more of this story!

We are hoping that people will beleive more and more that dreams do come true and I’m sharing the love via the net and it’s my dream to empower people enough to carry on making this stuff.  I need your support and hoping that with the support of amazon,  my books, the affiliate links and the like that we can keep on providing this stuff for free and continue to teach folks

“Don’t stop believing”  (sing along now) because I know that dreams really do come true!

Youtube video

Find me here: Author page:




The news update!

Ok I have new news.

I’m able to share a new video with you detailing the news. Taking my online direction on a new slant, I hope you love it.

You need to come over to my YouTube channel (please subscribe) click here for the video

Please be kind. We are hoping to inspire and motivate people to realise dreams do come true x

A Lusher Life – Using the Law of Attraction

 I LOVE the law of attraction!

I love my computer,  my blogs,  my social media.  

Getting into my vortex (thank you Abraham) as I sit and write,  I need to share with others the tools that have motivated me into a Lusher life

I have a facebook group which helps folks like you get together and find ways to make life better.  Want to join us?  It’s all FREE right now.  Click this link here: Facebook group A Lusher Life to join

Now I’m also so thrilled to announce that my book is now available in both print and in ebook from Amazon.  You can go here to invest your £2 and find out how to begin turning life around for yourself.  This is a mini book which I know you will love!

It would show me so much support if you had a look at the book and this will give me great feedback to keep giving so much time away for free to bring you lots of blogs, vlogs and other stuff….

Show of hands please?? Thanks folks, this means so much x


Manifesting Dishwasher Salt! Haha funny!

Manifesting dishwasher salt, now that’s getting just silly!!!!

“Mum!” called out my son, “The shopping man is here.”

As I thundered down the stairs in a half hurried state, there he was, the freezing cold delivery man. Bless his red nose, pretty much dripping as he flashed a smile and said “Shopping delivery?”

Unpacking the shopping I was feeling so thankful for my new routine. Shopping once a week to a fixed budget was working really well for me. We didn’t waste food anymore yet we enjoyed lovely meals every night and occasionally, like this particular week, there was a few pounds left in the budget to spare. I looked in the cleaning materials, remembering that the dishwasher salt supply in the cupboard was getting a little low. So, I ordered some. As I began unpacking the shopping there was the little blue bag of salt.

That head chatter started, you know? Do you do that? Almost like talking to yourself but only in your head.
“Salt, oh, well we don’t need that just yet but, oh, there’s a thought, I wonder if by buying that I’m actually manifesting the dishwasher will ask for some more salt? How funny is that thought…..?” That funny thought got disregarded.

In your intelligence, you know how this story is going now don’t you! Yes, the following morning there was the little red indicator light telling me I needed to fill up the dishwasher with salt. I grinned and said out loud, “Unbelieveable!”

Now why on earth was it unbeleiveable??!!


My free audio book for you

Hi guys

The free audio of the BASICS to the law of attraction is coming out on my next newsletter.

To grab your copy just click the sign up box on the right and it will be sent inside the newsletter for you.

Hope you are all happy, manifesting and “upstream” (if that’s a foreign language to you, definitely sign up to learn how to create your LUSHER life)

Louise x
