Tag Archives: life

Bob Proctor on Paradigms

As you all know by now,  I love to share my findings with you.  This helped me create my Lusher Life.


My Lusher Life is a work in progress as are all our lives.  We create a dream,  we create another dream.  If you find you are stumbling along the way,  come on over and see what I have just watched.  Not only is Bob Proctor motivational and gives you a gentle ‘kick’,  he also helps us figure out what exactly we really want.


Please feel free to leave me your comments and tell me how you found this was for you.


I have my little mini read which you can get from Amazon on ebook or print.  It’s the very basics of how to start changing your life with your thoughts and processes.

Law of Attraction – the Basics



Facebook – Lusher Life

Twitter – Louise Usher


Look what the flip I did!

Look how brave I am!!!!


I don’t mean just the snake in the video… (video is at the bottom of this blog)

Now yes, the snake thing was pretty scary and totally took me out of my comfort zone!


Yet while I was in this place I have previously called paradise… (you’ve heard that one before) I also fell head over heels in LOVE




Funny thing that,  love.  Now I’ve sat quietly on this for some time because…… well,   because I’m a professional person who takes her career seriously.


While my work has a few different slants,  Primarily I help salon businesses with the marketing and management of their salons.  This is no secret.

I also still do styling for  several A-listers!

Folks have been asking me for ages to teach my “secret” on how I managed to turn my life around from a gloomy place to the paradise it now is.

I was running some workshops..

Spreading the word of the Law of Attraction.  People wanted more and more of this from me.

Cut to today,  I’m still the same business woman but now I’ve opened up my life to show more and more of the personal side of me.  I’ve popped a video on Youtube which is the start of documenting how I found my ideal partner.  He and I have quite a story to share with you and we are going to be adding more and more to this channel so please go have a look, feel free to share and you must subscribe to make sure you don’t miss any more of this story!

We are hoping that people will beleive more and more that dreams do come true and I’m sharing the love via the net and it’s my dream to empower people enough to carry on making this stuff.  I need your support and hoping that with the support of amazon,  my books, the affiliate links and the like that we can keep on providing this stuff for free and continue to teach folks

“Don’t stop believing”  (sing along now) because I know that dreams really do come true!

Youtube video

Find me here: Author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B00C1KEE5E





The news update!

Ok I have new news.

I’m able to share a new video with you detailing the news. Taking my online direction on a new slant, I hope you love it.

You need to come over to my YouTube channel (please subscribe) click here for the video

Please be kind. We are hoping to inspire and motivate people to realise dreams do come true x


FREE resources to keep your focus on track





It’s been so long since I’ve been here….my stats have fallen..like, badly….so I’m guessing that I seemed to have lost my focus for about 3 weeks.


How bad is that?

Just goes to show that all these professional bloggers and authors who say you must keep blogging and once a month showing up simply isn’t enough, well, they are right aren’t they.


So what makes you lose your focus? In a nutshell life can take over at times and if you can’t see a benefit to yourself (let’s face it a little bit of selfishness is totally necessary in life) then you can easily just ‘not bother’.


For me,  life was incredibly draining of energy in other areas – all in a good way –  and I’ve just not been here.  In fact,  we often spend time just thinking, 

“What direction should I take?  What should I be writing about?  What will my audience want?”

Maybe just let the fingers do the talking and you can create some amazing blogs.  Anyway,  whatever your field it’s important to keep a positive focus  – true?


So,  I’m stepping up and giving all of you my best attention to use free resources.  You see,  I spend much of my time learning from the experts on how to create your dream life and luckily for me these practises are definitely helping me to create my Lusher Life.  I’d love you to benefit the same way and I’d love to invite you to join other like minded folks who also are on this path.


Come on over and join us on my facebook group which is here.


Sending much love


Thank YOU……..and one of my secrets revealed!

Hey folks


Just wanted to write a quick check in.  I’ve been really humbled lately at how many of you are sending me messages of praise.  It’s so lovely to get positive feedback from all of you and I really appreciate it.  

As with all bloggers and business people everywhere,  lots and lots of work goes into providing an online service  – like this and I’m still very much working ‘out there’ in businesses helping with advice and strategy.  Passionate about this work,  I wake every day full of excitement for my day and I’m so happy with my latest client.  You may have seen me post,  he has increased his profit so dramtically within 5 days that we are now meeting once a month and I’m taking care of his blogs, newsletters and mentoring also once a month.   He has found his investment more than took care of itself and he no longer feels alone in his business.

Bringing home a dream for me,  I’m pretty much like the area manager that independent business owners lack.  Previously in my 20’s I was reliant on Area Manager for support and really needed this as the operations manager of a big BIG project.  Ok,  this is too much about me and I would love you to keep reading – now let’s talk about improving your life. 

NB: Notice how I didn’t say, “I don’t want you to stop reading” instead I used, “I would love you to keep reading.” These tweaks in your everyday language will help you towards the life of your dreams.  Honestly.  My life has changed so much and if you had told me 2 years ago where I would be today,  I’m not sure I would have thought you were telling the truth!

If you would love to start making your dreams come true I do still have some limited one to one slots for online help.  Although there is LOADS of free stuff out there for you,  here are some links: Come on over and join us.


Facebook group (Use this to market your own business too and tell stories of manifestations/creating your Lusher Life)

Facebook page

And of course you can sign up on the right hand side of this page for my newsletter.  This will get you my audiobook into your inbox within a couple of weeks.  

I’ll let you have a little secret as you have read this far,  Don’t buy my amazon book just yet.  That’s right…. DONT! Haha, no I haven’t gone crazy but I’m adding to the book to give you better value.  I will be adding real stories of manifestations onto the Basics to the Law of Attraction and it will be available to purchase also as a real book as lots and lots of you have told me you like a REAL book :O)  No problem,  leave it with me,  this sure is a lovey but busy time right now for me in between helping people with their business,  blogging, vlogging and travelling…….not forgetting of course the manifestations.  

I’m currently working on my biggest life changing manifestations.  Would you like to know about it? I’m keeping it just for those who email me louise@stranddesigns.co.uk right now but I am privately VLogging it and may load to youtube in the future, may just keep it for you lucky few.

Let’s keep in touch.  Once again,  thank you.  You’re awesome and you make me happy :O)

Much love


Louise x

Have a look at my Tree Plaque for me and my family which was awarded to us in our second home, Egypt this year.  So lucky!Image

Part 2 of Ruby’s dream job journey

Hey! So many of you really seemed to enjoy the first part of the short story I wrote about Ruby finding her dream job http://lusherlife.co.uk/2013/03/27/923/ and sadly for me, the second part disappeared into cyberspace.  However, we can’t leave Ruby sitting there can we! (statement not question).  I’m hoping that you will all take away a little bit of FREE coaching from this story.  It’s a different, yet interesting way to ‘get the point’ without asking you to read reams and reams of ‘do this/don’t do that’.   Let’s face it,  we mostly ignore the don’ts anyway….. {Cheeky giggle} So go ahead and see how you can use this coaching in your life.  If you want more help from me, just please ask….my door is open.


Ruby agreed with Ted that in fact the commuter, 9-5er was not her ideal of living,  although it was something she could more easily grasp the hang of.  Why?  Because it fitted with the ideal that she had been programmed to believe.  This must be the right way?


Shifting her pert bottom slightly more to the middle of the chaise-longue she continued to listen.

“Now think for a minute Ruby,  think back to when you were a child.  What would you do all day long?  But happily?” Ted asked in a firm yet soft manner.  Ruby felt comfortable with this question.  After a minute of eye rolling to the lightbulbs she announced,

“I really loved playing the keyboard.  Loved it so much I would sit there all day long.  I would put on a piece of music  I liked and try to find the first note.  I always found it easy to go up and down the keys depending on the melody line.  I loved playing the keyboard.  I’m sure I remember Dad telling me one day I would have lessons.  Though i’m pretty sure I chose dance lessons instead.  I expect I was better at dance than the keyboard.”

“Ok, so were you any good at it?  Could you teach it or be a concert pianist?  Were the practical skills in place to make this your dream job?” Ted asked inquisitively.

“No way!!” Ruby laughed, “I didn’t even really learn how to read music properly.” She pondered for a minute as she tried to remember what she had learnt in school music classes…..

‘Every good boy deserves football? F>A>C>E??’

She really wasn’t sure but, something like that. 

“Hmm, the other thing I loved….” Ruby started with a twinkle of delight in her eye, “I loved writing.  I would write all the time,  practising my handwriting.  Tried out lots of different styles too.  I can still write in lots of different styles now.  Oh,  I remember now,  I used to make posters out of a kind of bubbly type of writing… like a 3d sort of effect.  Letters,  I used to write lots and lots of letters.  For years I kept a detailed journal too.  I loved writing that sort of stuff.  In fact I still do really.”

Ted brought Ruby back from dreamland where she was sitting on a cloud of writing heaven. “Brilliant!  Ever written pieces for publication?”

“Oh God of course! There were many poems I won competitions for,  loads got into print.  I was always doing stuff like that.” Ruby matter of factly stated.

Quietly and calmly,  trying not to demonstrate the excitement of finding the Holy Grail Ted asked,  “Hmm,  interesting Ruby.  Ever thought about writing for a living?”

“Like an author you mean?  Or do you mean like writing copy for websites and leaflets and stuff?”

“Yes Ruby like,  that thing that makes your heart sing,  that thing that made the twinkle just appear in your eye. The thing that could keep you up all night and you wouldn’t realise how tired you are.  Whatever it is that you would enjoy doing even if there was no money involved.”

“Well, that might well be novels then,  hmm,  yeah well I’ve written two of those already.  Did them one winter when I was bored and work was quiet.  Tho I have no idea where the manuscripts are now.  But yes,  I really did love doing that.  That’s ‘my thing’ that’s the thing I’m kind of famous for among my people.  Well, that and giving them advice of course.” She chuckled from her belly.  Not realising the discovery that had just been made. 


Ruby was now on her way to becoming a published author.  She had no idea this was just about to be suggested to her.  Although when she looked back to this moment,  she would never forget that italian white leather furniture and the contrasting tram lines ironed up the shin of Ted’s otherwise perfect suit. 

How to decide to go for it! Making your dreams come true!

Just recently while at the gym, I bumped into two very good friends of mine.

These ladies had seen my blog and have known for a long time about my book writing. They asked me, “Well, I really want to write a book but have no idea how to get it out there.”
I say ‘asked me’ yet in an English Literature class at school this actually isn’t a question but rather a statement.

So, why are YOU telling yourself with a statement that you can’t get it out there? Or make the changes? Or do what you need to do to create your dream life? Your ‘lusher life’.
Let’s look at turning this around….

What CAN you do to enable yourself one little move in the direction of making your dream come true’? How can you begin? There will be some small way, honestly. I have been making these moves for sometime and have managed to get literally stacks of work done. You can too.

There are many authors who have written books while still working the day job to enable them to pay the bills. Of course, you must be sensible obviously. If you decided after reading this blog, “Right, she’s right, that Louise has made me decide to completely change my life starting right now!” and you haven’t taken common sense into the equation then possibly things will not work out so well. Figure it out with a little sense. While you are fitting in your dreams, you are working towards them without the changes spoiling your current situation. In other words, you are taking steps to IMPROVE life without going crazy and making your life in a worse situation.

Ok, enough of the negative stuff now as we don’t like to do that here. So, what do you want? I ask you that question on lots of my blogs. This blog is about creating your Lusher Life. What do you want? Imagine you want to write a book. In your break at work, like lunchtime or even coffee break, start writing. Don’t overcomplicate the tools you need. You can use your phone, we all have the facility these days to write some lines on our phone. Even without a smart phone, text it to yourself. Write wherever you are.
If, as another example, you decided you need to take a course, or learn something new, use podcasts, or YouTube to educate yourself on your commute or again during your lunchbreak.

First step is this: Imagine that it is all possible! Use my word ‘do-able’. Is it do-able? Don’t find excuses or reasons. Find ways to do it. The only one who can change your life is you.

I’m spending lots and lots of time coaching these past few weeks and the mindsetting is always the first step to making changes. Let me know if you feel you would like some help too. I will very bravely be inviting (anonymous if you like) texts to my personal phone for free pretty soon. FREE. I will invite you to send me your text or email to me personally with your question. I may use these questions to answer in a blog too if that’s ok with you. Let’s be brave together?
Thing is, you need to subscribe to my blog or email list (right hand side of the blog page) to get this number as it’s coming later. Also, if you come over to my email list there is a future audiobook “Basics to the Law of ATTRACTION’ as a free gift for you.

Your dream life:
Can you do it?
WILL you do it?

Much love

Louise xx

ps written while a client is taking her coffee break – using my new wireless keyboard, my iphone and a little app called ‘wordpress’


Feeling the need to blog

Hey! Do you ever feel like you just ‘have’ to blog and go from the heart to write something?


Or do you carefully plan every step of the way?


After a long day of marketing (sub here!) 


I really feel a need to sit and write a simple blog.  I’ve watched some really inspirational stuff lately which I love.  Telling you to DO IT! Just DO IT.

I agree,  sometimes, you just have to push yourself harder.

“A dream without a goal is just a wish”

That’s what they say.

So what is your goal? Do it that way! Work backwards….

What do you want at the end? Imagine it and work backwards.  What a great idea! 

Ok folks thats me chatting straight from the heart for this afternoon, enjoy the snow if you have it and remember my door is open if you need guidance.

Much love

Louise x

ps, for a few days, you can get super cheap cd’s from ebay to motivate you to lose weight or learn the Law of attraction:

